Sunday, January 4, 2009


Slumdog Millionaires is a riveting movie. But, it ain't as my buddy says, "a feel good" movie. The only "feel good" aspect is what movies can do, if they desire, "they can make anything happen they want to happen." In this case, it was "feel good" at the end where the Slumdog wins the prize. I know, I know, I have given away part of the movie. Not really as one thing is evident: the risk of the Slumdog (great acting by the way) is a philosophical thing: if he lost, he really was only where he began anyway. Meaning of course, that if we have no "real" risk, it's easier to risk.

The movie was good on many levels. The techniques of the film in flashbacks was especially effective, I thought. The flashbacks peeled away the mystery of how a kid from the slums could know answers to trivial questions. The knowledge went way beyond the scope, even of those with advantages much less a Slumdog.

I always liked the American version of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire even if the stakes were considerable higher in these; the contestants (or anyone for that matter) could be tortured. The term, slumdog, is pretty telling and thought provoking in itself. The sad fact kept running through my head as I watched--there are really kids who live the life of slumdogs in horrible and squalid conditions.

My daughter asked me whether it would be OK to take her teenager to Slumdog Millionaires. Absolutely. A great teaching opportunity. This is life for kids in many countries and the "teaching" lesson is how lucky to be an American--a fate of birth. Our absolute worst is far better better than the "slumdogs" of the world. We should be so thankful.

Just as an added benefit, the movie maker slipped in a couple of digs at Americans: overweight and thinking that throwing money at a problem will solve it.

See this movie. The Little Miss Sunshine of this movie season but more sober. Three parachutes.

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