An email group that I'm involved with, called the 10 chaps have decided to do a collective book, mostly of their calling into the ministry. We think, not sure so stay tuned.
I would encourage all of you to write your memoir. Everyone of you have one in you and when you've hit the trail, your experiences, etc. are gone forever. "Brothers" is the hardest thing I've done, primarily because it was so difficult getting our stories straight as much of our extended family had died.
I think the best comment was somebody said it was the best example of how to do a memoir they had seen, i.e., tell a story as opposed to geneology stuff. I think that's what they meant. The struggled was worth it I think, even if I would not do it again. I thought I offered to send you guys a book. I will, have a few left and have gone for a reprint. All the proceeds go to four charities. I don't have the figures yet but so far, looks like we've raised about $5000 for them and that is very rewarding.
One thing that might interest you guys as the skim is coming over your eyes, Plus, as I am thinking, I was planning to do one more book, this blog I've kept while I drove Rosey, a breast cancer victim, to her treatments each week. I want to honor her ten year bravery in fighting the insideous disease. But, now that I think about it, I am going to retire with the chaplains book. So, file that away and keep writing. Where are we with that? I have some of mine written and some from Dave. When I get time, I'll get us all an email of what we said we'd do. I think we are all ADD anyway. God bless.
I am beginning to put my input together, but it will be at least February, maybe later. Thank you for taking on this project. LH
No sweat. We are talking probably two years down the road. So, the goal is that none of us can "depart the area" until we get this book done. I will have to say that the one thing that happened to my brothers in the seven years that it took to write Brothers is how their health had changed. When I do a book, both as author but mainly publisher, I carry the rough draft around with me constantly, look at it, read it, go to bookstores, look at books, maybe finding one I liked. With my next book about the bravery of Rose, this gal I took to her chemo treatments and watched her die slowly. I have something in mind but I don't have something in mind. I'm hoping to see a book like I want hers to be. It is for me, an enormous process. All this to say, stay working and let's keep it on at least the back burner. JDA